Golf. I find it ironic that golf is a four letter word because it is associated with every four letter word I know. When Shelby says, "Hey, I want to go golfing on Saturday," in my mind all I hear is, "@@#%&^%@@B !@*&^#@ @*&^#@, golf." I have golf inspired tourettes. You know how Pavlov rang the bell for food and his dog would automatically start drooling. The word golf does that to me. My blood pressure rises like 50 points, , I start breathing out my nose really hard, my right eye starts to get this tic.... Im pretty sure its what Bruce Banner feels when he turns into The Hulk. I can even tell when he wants to go golfing. Usually he will bring it up at dinner, starts the sentence with "Hey...", has one foot statregically placed towards the door.... So, if you ever see a big green Carlee chasing Shelby down the street you know he brought it up at the wrong time.
Other ironic four letter words: XBOX,hunt,text, ESPN.
Ok, Shelby is not bad AT ALL with the XBOX but there is just something about it....
Disclaimer: I just like giving Shelby a hard time, as long as he continues to play coed softball, he's good :)