Friday, April 29, 2011


For forever I have said I need to write a book about the many, ummm, crazy?, things Shelby says. It would be titled, "Things Not To Say To Your Wife." I've heard some good ones over the years and such as my memory is I have forgotten a lot of them...sigh.... Last week though he gave me another gem to add to the collection. He was watching the kids, I was out for awhile and by the time I got back he was pretty beat. Judson is a maniac, so I know he probably really was tired. I said,"This is what I go through everyday!" He says, " He is not as hard for you, he doesn't do these things when you're here." Stare down. Oh. No.You.Didnt! So, in the next day I decided to capture on film just how "easy" Judson is for me.

Judson likes to get in the pantry in search of potatoes everyday. All my potatos have mysterious test bites.

I can always tell where Judson is because there is a trail of destruction.

I swear this cupboard was clean this morning.
Can you see the water spilling? He also broke a plate and glass that day. Little stink.

Yeah....thats a banana from the garbage he is eating.

Judson loves dog food, he gets into it probably 20 times a day. He eats food out of the garbage, dog food,...ummm, is he trying to tell me something?

He feeds most of his food to the dog, maybe this is why he eats garbage food. That kind of hurts my feelings..

This is not even half of his misdeeds that day either.
1. When we went visit teaching, he somehow disengaged from his diaper and peed everywhere.
2. Ripped up two rolls of toilet paper.
3. Splashed around in the toilet a couple times.
4. Went up the stairs probably 15 times.
5. Multiple trips to the garbage can. Gross.
6. He somehow manages to get ahold of soda cans all the time. I seriously think he has a stash somewhere because half the time I don't know where they come from.
7. Put so many things in his mouth, who knows how many he actually swallowed, I could find 1.72$ in that kids diaper tomorrow.
I don't care what he does as long as he never takes off his diaper and poops in his crib ever, ever again.

That being said, at the end of the day, how could I ever be mad at this face? :)


  1. Little Judder is the cutest!! Ryan is turning into Hailee 2!! I am so scared for the future.

  2. That was from Aubree. When the comment was posted did it start singing"My milkshake brings all the boys from the yard..."
